
2023-09-15 23:23:38


1. Rat 和老鼠有关的英语习惯用语

smell a rat觉得可疑

I smelt a rat when he started being so helpful!

the rat race激烈的竞争

Living in a big city is one big rat race.

play cat and mouse with sb. 欲擒故纵,(像猫抓耗子似地)欺负(折磨、虐待)某人

The policeman decided to play cat and mouse when he saw the woman steal the dress in the store.

2. Ox 和牛有关的英语习惯用语

a bull in a china shop经常闯祸的人,笨手笨脚的人

He‘s like a bull in a china shop, always knocking things over.

take the bull by the horns不畏艰险

You can‘t just sit back in a situation like this. You should take the bull by the horns.

like a red rag to a bull使愤怒

Any statement against the government is like a red rag to a bull to that minister.

till the cows come home永远地,无限期地

If you‘re waiting for him to pay you, you‘ll wait till the cows come home!

kill the fatted calf热情款待,设宴欢迎

He welcomed me at home by killing the fatted calf.

3. Tiger 和老虎有关的英语习惯用语

paper tiger貌似强大而实质虚弱的敌人

As long as we are not afraid of this kind of threat, the paper tiger‘s true face will come out in the wash.

4. Hare 和兔子有关的英语习惯用语

hunt with the hounds and run with the hare同时支持相对立的两派, 脚踩两只船

Which team are you going to support? Make up your mind now. You can‘t hunt with the hounds and run with the hare.        

5. Dragon 和龙有关的英语习惯用语

sow (the) dragon‘s teeth挑起纠纷或引起争端

Wherever he went, he sowed (the) dragon‘s teeth by preaching racial segregation.

6. Snake 和蛇有关的英语习惯用语

a snake in the grass潜伏的危险或敌人,阴险而伪善的朋友

How could I ever trust that snake in the grass?

7. Horse 和马有关的英语习惯用语

hold your horses忍耐,克制,别急躁

Don‘t get so angry. Just hold your horses and find the appropriate solution.

put the cart before the horse本末倒置

Surely you‘re putting the cart before the horse by buying all this furniture before you‘ve got the house.

flog a dead horse徒劳,浪费精力

You‘ll just be flogging a dead horse if you try to make her change her mind about it.

high horse自大,盛气凌人

When the president visited his hometown in the remote village, he rode the high horse among the local people.

8. Sheep 和羊有关的英语习惯用语

a wolf in sheep‘s clothing披着羊皮的狼,伪装善良的坏人

Mrs. Martin trusted the lawyer until she realized that he was a wolf in sheep‘s clothing.

as well be hanged for a sheep as (for) a lamb一不做,二不休;索性蛮干

Dad said I was to be home from the dance by eleven o‘clock, but I enjoyed myself so much that it was midnight before I realized it, so I thought I might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb and stopped on till the end.

a black sheep害群之马,败家子

Every privileged class tries at first to whitewash its black sheep; if they prove incorrigible, they‘re kicked out.

9. Monkey 和猴有关的英语习惯用语

monkey about / around胡闹,恶作剧

The boys were monkeying about in the playground, and one of them got hurt.

monkey with胡乱折腾,瞎摆弄

You‘ll break the TV if you don‘t stop monkeying about with it.

get (have) one‘s monkey up生气,发脾气

Don‘t get your monkey up for nothing.

10. Cock 和鸡有关的英语习惯用语

cock one‘s snook (snoot) to (at) sb. 瞧不起某人

The artist cocked a snook at the critics by exhibiting an empty frame.

cock up把……弄糟

They completely cocked up the arrangements for our holiday.

11. Dog 和狗有关的英语习惯用语

a dog in the manger占着茅坑不拉屎的人,自私自利的人

Don‘t be such a dog in the manger. Lend your bicycle to him since you will not go out this afternoon.

top dog处于支配地位

Brazil can well be said to be the top dog in the soccer circles of the world.

lead a dog‘s life过困苦的生活

Many new immigrants in the U.S. initially endure a dog‘s life.

put on the dog炫耀,摆阔;竭力表现自己,似乎自己非常重要,而事实并非如此

They put on the dog in front of their guests, but the guests were not impressed.

12. Pig 和猪有关的英语习惯用语

pigs might fly无稽之谈,奇迹可能会发生

“The management might offer us a decent pay rise.” “Pigs might fly!”

buy a pig in a poke(未见实物而)乱买东西(吃了亏)

You‘ll have to show me the car; I don‘t intend to buy a pig in a poke.




中国传统文化中,十二生肖是很重要的一部分,其中属兔的人也有着自己的特点和吉祥物。根据生肖不同年份的出生年份,我们可以得到以下信息: 出生在1939年的属兔人,2022年实岁83岁,虚岁84岁。 出生在1951年的属兔人,2022年实岁71岁,虚岁72岁。 出出在1963年的属兔人,20


生肖是中国古老的民俗文化,追溯至几千年前,与历史、文化、传统、宗教密不可分,一直流传至今。其中生肖相克的信仰在婚姻、人生、年运等方面产生重要影响,但其科学依据却备受争议。 属相鸡和属相兔相冲相克,这是生肖相克中众所周知比较普遍的案例。由于卯酉相冲,代表兔的卯和代表鸡的酉相遇,这种相冲的情况强烈影响



2022 年属兔人的年龄查询:根据属兔的年份表来计算,究竟能够算出几岁呢?

每年农历二月初兔被视为春天的象征,是中国十二生肖中的一种。属兔人通常具有机智、慷慨、聪明和勤奋等特质。他们禀赋智慧、反应快,思维灵活,头脑清晰。属兔人注重生活,但也很随和和懒散。 根据传统中国占卜的方法,人们相信生肖的属性会影响个人的命运和性格。下面将介绍几种关于属兔人的民俗传说。 1、出生在1


狗与什么生肖相冲 你好,答案是鸡属狗的人感情起伏大,易燥易怒。 依赖心强,杞人忧天,倔强逞勇。重理论而在现实中缺乏行动力及判断力,不可独断独行否则易遭极大的挫折。喜爱批评别人追根究底,善猜疑喜挑剔。有时会莫名的自我封闭或沉默不语。(以上各项缺点经修持是可以克服的) 事 业 事业上力求谨慎和保守,若能


十二属相与金、木、水、火、土命之对应关系 中国传统文化中,属相是十二地支(子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥)的统称。每个地支都对应着某一种命格,也与五行中的金、木、水、火、土之一相对应。以下是每个属相对应的五行属性: 鼠、虎、龙、马、猴、狗对应的五行属性分别是水、木、土、火、金、土。


十二生肖年龄表 中国的传统文化中,十二生肖是指用十二种不同的动物代表一年中的不同时间段,而每个人也都有所属的生肖。以下是十二生肖分别对应的年龄: 猪年(2007年)---0岁(按周岁排列) 狗年(2006年)---1岁 鸡年(2005年)---2岁 猴年(2004年)---3岁 羊年(20


生肖属相的相配 生肖的相配是许多人所关注的问题。在中国文化中,相生相克的生肖可追溯到古代。近年来,属相的关注度已经转化成许多人命运的关键。在这篇文章中,我们将探讨属鼠与其他属相的相配问题。 属鼠配合其他属相 根据传统,属相为鼠的人适合配合属相为牛、猴和龙的人。这些属相可以被称为“三合”,会带来一种


马年后面是羊年 生肖马后面是生肖羊 中国古代采用了阴历纪年的方式,将每12年一轮回的12个生肖排列顺序。它们分别是子鼠、丑牛、寅虎、卯兔、辰龙、巳蛇、午马、未羊、申猴、酉鸡、戌狗、亥猪。按照顺序进行推算,每12年之后,依次回到最初的子鼠。因为午马之后是未羊,所以马年之后是羊年。 如果您对属羊和属猴的


粉晶属木,紫晶属火,木生火,可以一起佩戴吗? 有人认为粉晶和紫晶功能上适合一起佩戴,有人则认为它们在五行上相克不宜一起佩戴。就我的科学角度来看,紫晶比粉晶硬度稍低,同时如果两种水晶一起佩戴的话,粉晶可能会磨损紫晶。 不过,这两种水晶都不是很贵,所以如果你觉得一起佩戴好看的话,建议买两条不同的水晶来佩
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