2022 Qing Palace Chart The most accurate version of Qing Palace, 2022, pregnant, Qing Palace

2022-07-27 21:54:10

The Qing Dynasty has been previously passed, and it has been passed down from the Qing Dynasty. It has a certain basis, but it cannot be used as a criteria. It is only a kind of entertainment project. The calculation of the Qing Paic map has a little more attention, if the latest most in 2022 If you are interested in the Qing Dynasty, you can refer to and read the following article.

2022 The latest and most quasi-Qing Palace Tu Qingchai Tu Wannian Table is that the Temple of the Qing Dynasty is a set of predictive methods to predictive birth according to the experience, and is considered a mysterious machine. At that time, the emperor, Wang Ye, and hind. And it is very effective. It is based on the interpretation of the yin and yang five elements and gossip, and then add time to calculate. He also draws a girl's map for this, burying in a 700-year history. After the Republic of China, it has been circulated to the people, and it has also become the basis for the folk implicity of boys and women.

The folks have been popular with a lot of born predictions, like "pickling alkalin", etc., but the most fire is also a palace table. Some network forum rumors "Qing Palace Table" predictive accuracy is very high, and many people have used to choose gender pregnancy; and in real life, some people who are ready to be children are constantly going to the hospital for consultation. The species is also a violation of the act, special attention.

2022 pregnant Qing Palace chart:

Pay attention to the ages used by the Qing Palace and what we said today. The age of the Qing Palace must refer to the algorithm of the lunar calendar, according to the residential bonus, the average year is calculated from the pregnancy, and there is only 9 pregnancy in the lunar calendar.月亮。 The CNAN Table predicts that the age specific calculation method of born boys and women is: the current year month will lose the birthday month, then add 9 months (no birthday).

The month of pregnancy is also what we need to pay attention to when we read the Qing Palace. Here, a temperature affects the factors of born boys. If it is analyzed according to today's science, it is not specifically analyzed in the Qingkyu table, just tell you: in the pregnancy, the lunar month is subject to the lunar month (on the day of pregnancy, not the last menstrual period One day, it is not the same as today's medical practice. It should be noted that if it is a month of pregnancy, it is a month of the leap year, then the last half of the month is calculating last month, and the next half of the pregnancy is counted next month.

Nowadays, people's knowledge will gradually improve. Many people are clear. In fact, the boyfriend is not determined by forecasting, but is achieved by the free combination of genes. The result of this combination is mostly due to natural selection. In this case, if the prediction table is accurately met, it is likely to be coincidental, do not be too superstitious, otherwise the loss is huge.

The factors that decided to born boys are what born boys and women are not determined by women, which is mainly determined by men's sex chromosome. Women in normal breeding age usually only discharge an egg, and the chromosome of the egg is x chromosome, and male sex chromosomes are in sperm, there are two types:

1. When the sperm and female eggs with X chromosome in the male body, the fertilizer egg is XX sex chromosome, and the fetus is a female child;

2, when the sperm and female eggs with Y chromosome in the male body, the fertilizer egg is XY chromosome, the fetus is a male child.

As for some statements, such as "pointed boy, round girls" "ugly boy, become a beautiful girl" "Foot is not swollen boy, feet girl" and "sour spicy girl" Maybe there may be a sense, but there is no scientific argument, and there is indeed some people's person, some people are comp相反,因为出生的男孩是半场的机会,所以它不适合超级超级性。



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