
2023-10-16 21:38:20


In Western countries, the annual October 31, there's Halloween, dictionaries interpreted as "The eve of All Saints'Day", English translation: Halloween night. With regard to Halloween, people are more or less have a certain amount of emotional awareness: know that Halloween, many public places, and even at home courtyard, will be arranged in many decoration, such as the various types of ghosts ah, pumpkin lights Yeah, there are black as well as the witch's broom and the like; kids wearing different Halloween costumes every year, carrying a basket to put pumpkin lights from house to house to discuss sugar, said to be "trick or treak".

In addition, you want to know more about some? Here we briefly outline the origins and customs of Halloween. First, the origin of Halloween: With regard to the origin of Halloween, the largest version of the legend that it was before the birth of Christ from the ancient Western European countries, mainly including Ireland, Scotland and Wales. This is a few Western Europeans of the ancient people called the Druids. Druids of the New Year in the November 1, New Year's Eve, Drewett young people who set team, wearing all kinds of weird masks and carrying carved turnips a good light (the latter part of the Department of pumpkin lights customs, the ancient Western Europe first there is no pumpkin), they walk in the villages between. This was actually a kind of harvest celebration; also said to be "Halloween", legend of those who died that year, the soul will be the eve of Halloween visit to death, they said that people should be allowed to visit the ghost to see the ghost of a successful harvest and to render abundant hospitality. All bonfire and lights, one hand in order to scare away the ghost, but also illuminates the road for the ghosts to guide their return. In medieval Europe, there had been the history of Christianity to destroy infidels. However, before the New Year's Eve celebration worship never really removed, but in the form of witchcraft. This is why we are now Halloween, but are also left witch's brooms, black cats, spells and other traces. 2, Halloween production of the word: Many people are in a Halloween celebration party, which in turn is called "All Hallow E'en", "The Eve of All Hallows", "Hallow e'en", or "The eve of All Saintas'Day". Ultimately established by usage evolved into "Halloween", the Chinese translation became a Halloween night. 3, "Trick or treat" legend: Today, the kids went house to house to dress the custom of sugar is said to originated in Ireland. Irish pagan ancient times in Western Europe who believe that Halloween will be clustered at the home near the ghost and accept a banquet. Thus, in the "banquet" after villagers would dress up the ghost of the wizard, walk outside the village to guide ghosts away from evil to avoid disaster. Meanwhile, the villagers also note that the front yard after the house at the mercy of some fruits and other food, feed the ghost without alienating them enough to hurt humans and animals, or exploitation of other crops. Later, this custom has continued down, it becomes a laugh at the kids can not be generous house joke. As for the pumpkin lights at least two different ways. Man hollowing out a pumpkin is also engraved with a face point, the ghost of the candle used to disperse; Another point is the ghost of the candle, trying to cheat the people taken in and follow the ghost to go, so people on the surface of the pumpkin engraved with a mockery of the face to make fun of the ghost: Humph! You would on a fool's trap. Legend because the first is the one with the pumpkin Irish Jack, so people turn grimace pumpkin light is called Jack-O-Lantern. 4, the present Halloween Halloween spread to this day do not have the color of religious superstition, it became a children's program, but also young people masquerade programs.

Community to the festival's activities have also been doing positive guidance: requires adults to teach children not do threatening hoax, also requires adults to go out with the kids (usually adults and cars parked on the roadside, children go to knock on the door discuss sugar) . Adults should require that children be allowed to go to the door, and a point of holiday lights decorated the families who, otherwise, do not disturb. Also discuss the process of sugar must always be standing at the door to wait, not allowed to entered the room, to recover the sugar but also check the National Chiao Tung University who eat before Xu. Children in host families are also asked not to produce their own food nor to non-packaged food. Public places, as well as at home around the holiday arrangements are voluntary. Grimace pumpkin lights, white and black spider nets, which are all decorated with holiday has completely without frightening the ghost color. Some female students have obvious reasons to buy at this time would be a pair of pumpkin or a ghost skull earrings to wear. Which layout do if there is too much horror, and would be subjected to the parties concerned to stop the media exposure will make it so that the public blame.

Halloween costumes, but also relative to 10000 million people, not monotony of the big ghost imp. There are many channels to teach people how to make Halloween costumes. For example, the simplest of ghosts produced clothing with a white sheet on top of his head, do not forget to buckle two holes to stay out of the eye that is; if they want to play a magician, put on black black pants, and then wear a black hat , and the hat with his head hidden between a plush bunny back; also taught adults how to dress their children into small angel, white Bai Ku, and then how to tie a flashlight from behind the head; also have to teach how to dress their children into their like the cartoon image. Of course, costumes and props industry, business people are more to do in the article. Halloween is not school holidays. Sometimes the school come forward to organize parties, and sometimes unwilling students will host their own mini-show; while friends and family of human inter-Ji Heka wish Happy Halloween has become popular among the custom every year in October. Today, advances in the Internet makes it easier to send Halloween cards economy, and some sites even inspired to design a variety of animation with sound effects Halloween cards, such as free of charge so that everyone to use. In short, Halloween has become a very common Westerners seasonal festivals.

Many people see this as the end of autumn and winter's arrival. Halloween is over, people began to look forward to Thanksgiving Day, Christmas and even the New Year.













平衡是人生中非常重要的一个概念,通过一种物质克制另一种物质,一种势力制约另一种势力,领导者指挥被领导者,管理者调度被管理者,我们才能实现相对稳定的状态。 一个人的命运中也存在着这样的平衡问题。在命理学中,官煞平衡就是指命主八字中的身、煞(七杀)和官(正官,偏官)三者之间的平衡状态。 如果身旺煞旺


占卜学中存在一个重要概念——“正气”。它指的是八字中的地支和天干之间的五行相生相剋关系以及天干纯正之物(通常指正官、正财)所显露出来的特质。一个拥有“正气”的人,通常品行端正,胸襟宽广,刚直不阿,行事表里如一。 例如,如果一个人的八字为“庚寅 丁亥 丁未 庚戌”,大运为“戊子 己丑 庚寅 辛卯 壬




图文并茂阐述八字命局富贵贫穷 在中国传统文化中,八字命局被广泛应用于命理学和未来规划。八字是根据出生年、月、日、时四个要素,以阴阳五行为基础进行排盘,得出一个数字组合。通过八字命局的分析,可以预测每个人的财源、事业、婚姻、健康等方面。 根据八字命局的分析,首先需要了解什么样的八字命局是财富充足的


根据这篇文章的意思重新写一篇800字以上的中文文章,使用p标签包裹段落:十二生肖中的狗,被认为是忠诚、坚定、正直、勇敢的象征。然而,在中国传统命理中,每个人的生辰八字也会影响他们的命运。以下是一些出生年份为狗的人会遇到的命运。乾:庚戌 丙戌 癸酉 丁巳如果你出生于这个日期间,你可能会受到印星、官星和
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