关于13星座的来历与意义 13星座的名字叫什么

2023-10-23 12:24:11

Felicity诺 校对:湮灭 原文&译文: Ophiuchus - the 13th Sign of the Zodiac? by Dieter Koch 蛇夫座——第十三个星座? One must never equate Sun signs with fixed star constellations.

绝不要把太阳星座和固定星座等同起来。 Every few years we hear the same old news from critics of astrology, mostly astronomers and physicists who know nothing about astrology. 每隔几年我们都会听到一些关于对占星学批判的旧闻,大部分来自于对占星学一无所知的天文学家和物理学家。 They argue that the signs of the zodiac used by astrologers do not correspond to the actual constellations of stars on the sky. They say that the real star constellations have been shifting relative to the astrological signs by nearly one month in the course of the last 2000 years. They explain this with the so-called precession of the equinoxes. 他们的争论点在于,占星学家所使用的黄道星座并不符合天空中实际星座(校对注:实际天空中的图案和形象)的情况。他们说,在过去的2000年里,真正的星座相对于占星学中的星座发生近一个月的偏转的, 他们用所谓的岁差运动来解释这一现象。 In addition, they claim that astrologers suppress a 13th constellation, the Serpent Bearer (Ophiuchus), despite the fact that the Sun passes each year through this constellation. 此外,他们宣称占星学家压制第十三个星座—— 蛇夫座(Ophiuchus),尽管事实上太阳每年都会经过这个星座。 These statements are true in a certain sense. But they are based on naïve and incorrect assumptions about the essence and history of astrology, and therefore they miss the target. Those who argue against astrology that way may well understand a bit about astronomy. But they are incompetent regarding astrology and have not done their homework. They speak in the media about something they have never studied. 这些说法在某种意义上是真的。但他们这种看法是基于对占星术历史及其本质的幼稚和错误的假设,并因此错过了目标。那些通过这种途径来声讨占星学的人,也许多少了解一点天文学。但是对于占星学他们是不够格的,而且并没有做足功课。他们在媒体上净说一些他们并没有研究过的东西。 Ptolemy was fully aware of precession 托勒密充分地认识到岁差

Already in the second century C.E. the astrologer and astronomer Ptolemy was fully aware of precession and the issues mentioned above. He knew that the equinoctial points were slowly shifting in relations to the star constellations –by about 1° in the course of a human life span of 72 years (Ptolemy, Almagest VII.2.f). Still, he decided to give up star constellations and to let the zodiac begin with 0° Aries at the spring equinoctial point (Ptolemy, Tetrabiblos 1.10f). Why? He did this in the opinions that the actual constellations of fixed stars were not relevant for astrology, that the sun signs should be fixed at the cardinal points of the Sun's annual path. Aries begins at the spring equinox, Cancer at the summer solstice, Libra at the autumn equinox and Capricorn at the winter solstice. 早在公元二世纪,占星学家、天文学家托勒密就充分地意识到岁差以及上述提出的观点。他意识到等分点(春分点或秋分点) 在星座之间缓慢移动——每转动1°相当于人类寿命的72年(Ptolemy, Almagest VII.2.f)。还有,他决定不考虑恒星星座,而是以春分点来重新定义白羊座的开始(Ptolemy, Tetrabiblos 1.10f)。为什么有这种想法——他这样做的想法是固定的星座与占星学无关,太阳宫应该固定在太阳路径的方位基点。白羊座始于春分;巨蟹座始于夏至;天秤座始于秋分;摩羯座始于冬至。

Modern astrology has remained true to this old tradition. It does not consider constellations of the fixed stars, but divides the zodiac in correspondence to the cardinal points of the seasons. The actual star constellations in the sky are astrologically irrelevant. One must never equate Sun signs (signs of the zodiac) with fixed star constellations. Fixed star constellations are configurations of stars visible in the sky, sun signs however cannot be seen in the sky. They are mathematical divisions of the annual path of the Sun in the sky, of precisely 30° size for each of the 12 parts. 现代占星术一直忠于这个旧的传统。它不考虑恒星星座,但是区分十二宫与季节基本点的一致。天体中真实的星座与占星学无关. 一个人必须永远使用固定的太阳星座(黄道十二宫)。恒星星座的构型是在天空中能够看得见的,而太阳星座却不能。他们将太阳在天空中每年一次的的轨迹按照数学方式精确地分成每30°一份的十二等分。 If astronomers claim that astrology cannot be true because it does not use the actual star constellations, they claim this in the mistaken belief that astrologers have forgotten where the fixed star constellations are. In fact, every astrologer knows they are different from the astrological zodiac signs. The historical truth few are concerned with lies in the fact that the fixed star constellations received their names from the seasons and from the annual rhythm of the Sun's movement, not the other way around. Where the constellations are found nowadays in the sky is simply irrelevant. The astrologer is only interested in the sun signs, based on the seasons. 如果天文学家生成占星学不可信,是因为它没有使用真正的星座配置,他们错误的认为占星学家们忘记了恒星星座是什么。事实上,每位占星学家都深知占星学所研究的星座与天文学所研究的星座是不同的。历史真相并不为人所知——恒星星座的命名来自于季节和太阳每年运动的节奏,而不是其他什么东西。如今,天空中的星座是在哪里发现的并不那么重要了。占星学家唯一感兴趣的是基于季节基础上的太阳星座。 Now what about Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer? Because this is also – only – a fixed star constellation, it has no astrological relevance. The Sun passes through it nowadays between 29 November and 17 December, which falls into the astrological sign of Sagittarius. 那么蛇夫座呢?它仅仅是一个恒星星座,与占星学无关。太阳于11月29日在其经过,并于12月17日离开,落入占星学的射手座。












平衡是人生中非常重要的一个概念,通过一种物质克制另一种物质,一种势力制约另一种势力,领导者指挥被领导者,管理者调度被管理者,我们才能实现相对稳定的状态。 一个人的命运中也存在着这样的平衡问题。在命理学中,官煞平衡就是指命主八字中的身、煞(七杀)和官(正官,偏官)三者之间的平衡状态。 如果身旺煞旺


占卜学中存在一个重要概念——“正气”。它指的是八字中的地支和天干之间的五行相生相剋关系以及天干纯正之物(通常指正官、正财)所显露出来的特质。一个拥有“正气”的人,通常品行端正,胸襟宽广,刚直不阿,行事表里如一。 例如,如果一个人的八字为“庚寅 丁亥 丁未 庚戌”,大运为“戊子 己丑 庚寅 辛卯 壬




图文并茂阐述八字命局富贵贫穷 在中国传统文化中,八字命局被广泛应用于命理学和未来规划。八字是根据出生年、月、日、时四个要素,以阴阳五行为基础进行排盘,得出一个数字组合。通过八字命局的分析,可以预测每个人的财源、事业、婚姻、健康等方面。 根据八字命局的分析,首先需要了解什么样的八字命局是财富充足的


根据这篇文章的意思重新写一篇800字以上的中文文章,使用p标签包裹段落:十二生肖中的狗,被认为是忠诚、坚定、正直、勇敢的象征。然而,在中国传统命理中,每个人的生辰八字也会影响他们的命运。以下是一些出生年份为狗的人会遇到的命运。乾:庚戌 丙戌 癸酉 丁巳如果你出生于这个日期间,你可能会受到印星、官星和
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