Zhengguan female life is very principled

2022-07-26 20:28:03

We often hear such a sentence, "personality determines fate." But in fact, in life, the factors that decide fate are not single, which also includes eight characteristics. Nursing said that the characteristics of the personality and fortune of different mandies are very different. Only, figure out these features, life can be smooth.

What is the official

Anyone who is hidden in the month's order, in the month, when the year, the annual cimentarius is clear, or the monthly support, the main gas can be taken, can be called "Zhengguan". There is a song in "Yuanhai Ping": "Zhengguan must be in the moon, no break, do not want to do it; Zhengguan is bigger, weaken, the body is asking for the temple." That is to say, Zhengguan must be from the month Look on the column, it is best not to get the penalty. Become a positive official, the big arrival requires a body, if the bureau is weak, it is best to make up the law of the official, first look at the month, then look at other dry buds, only one, take more than one地方。 Because of the moonlow is the body, the momentum is the most prosperous, if you can get a monthly order, it will never take it. Such as A Japanese born in Yue Yue, Born in the moon, C. is born in the moon, and is a righteous star. Goodbye to the official star, such as the birth of the birth of the birth; Born in the month of the month, the day of the day, the sorrow; Xin Niheng is the moon, and the heavens are passed, and the other dry support is not suitable. If there is no ok, there is no official star, and there is an angry, as long as it is angry, it can also be taken as a star.

Characteristics of Zhengguan female life

If a woman is in a master, then it means that this person is active in life, and people have principles. In life, it does not like to joke, the official is the star, the official is strong, it means that this person is noble, There is a leadership, such as being strong in the column, indicating that there is excellent operating talent. It is the most resolute star of the Zhenggang's eight characters, because the financial gangster, the adjustment of the official and the day owner. The eight words belong to the weak, must bring in stars or to robbery, and can cause balance between the official and the daily owner due to print or shoulders.

Best spouse of Zhengguan female

In general, the official of the official has great achievements in life. They can rely on themselves in their career and wealth, so they don't need to rely on the other party to obtain economic sources. Such a woman is also a woman in life, so it is necessary to find a person who has a common hobbies in the career, and it will not be a small thing in life, and there is a person who has a strategy.

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